I got a score of 182 but I never got a prize. The game is ok but it gets a little boring at times. I really think I should get a hoverboard though.
I got a score of 182 but I never got a prize. The game is ok but it gets a little boring at times. I really think I should get a hoverboard though.
I love this game Im so excited. My high score was 294
My score is 168 took 6 months
How much points do you have to get a prize
I hat it so much Sorry.
This game may relate to a famous person on this app "Musical.ly" but this game isnt as good as you think. It is really hard for little kids to play because it is fast. Most people like slower games to get used to it then the better you get the faster it can go. You should also change the features. This game is kinda dumb because you have to tap the right square you should just be able to tap anywhere on the screen to jump. There should also be props such as, bombs, stars, coins and stuff like that. Thats what kids like. Yes, everyone wants to win but there should be no winner or loser there should be levels. I hope you take my advice to make this a better game if not I hope it gets taken off the App Store! Thanks!!
What I mean by I got a lot because I got for a score 1002 thats a lot so I should get my prize I worked hard for it le-do-1002
My best score is 100!!
Its really good here is a tip if u double tap the screen it will give u a huge score.it have gave me a gift card
Ariel I have gone up to 187 and I still havent got my Hoverboard so for this game to be the best how about u give everybody that has beat the score 59 a Hoverboard because its not fair that your making us waist our time on downloading the game so just give the people there Hoverboard like u said and everything would be better for u and us .......and BTW your musical.lys are good so please give the people there Hoverboards thank you
I dont like that it will pop up and say " go follow us on Instagram and post your score and win a free mini iPad. Its not fair because I dont even have Instagram. Why cant they say "go follow us on music.ly. And there is to many ads. I hate it. Especially when its in the middle of the game. I have more to say but I have to go to bed
To many adds and pop ups and also it cheats because when I jump the wrong Ariel jumps so please fix
There are way to many ads and they mess you up on the game other than that its sort of ok.Please fix the ad problem.i understand its difficult to make the game.
Arent I suppose to receive a prize? All that hard work, how do I get my prize?
There are to much ads. Whe I was playing it the ad popped up and I was about to beat my high score
My high score is 312 it is really hard but its really fun, but the ads are annoying.maybe you should limit the ads but other than that its a really good game.
Why is there lot of ads every time ad it hard ad how do h get free thing
I really like it. It is fun and really cool. I got 220 it is kind of easy. You just have to consintrait.
There is too many ads Its think they want you to lose.my best was like 11 because the ads stop right In the middle of the game and the first game with Kendall and Something else and thats my review.